Rev. Russell Jackman

Rev. Russell Jackman

Unity of Little Rock, AR


Rev. Russ Jackman was ordained as a Unity minister in 2022.  Before ordination, he served as spiritual Leader of Unity of Little Rock (ULR) in 2016-2017.  Currently, he serves as board president for ULR, where there is no spiritual leader.

With 36 years as a practicing chiropractic physician, Russ has taken a holistic approach to health and well-being, emphasizing balance in body, mind, and spirit. This experience has provided a strong foundation for his ministry, integrating personal and spiritual growth through balance and wholeness.

Russ serves on the Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM) SpiritGroups Advisory Team. He has a varied background in service, including planting a non-traditional church, co-founding a non-profit, and serving on various charitable and professional association boards.

 Living in Little Rock, Arkansas, with his wife of 36 years, Russ enjoys staying active through hiking and biking, exploring new places, and supporting his local minor league baseball team.

Video Introduction

 “What inspires you to serve on the USCR board?”

Over the years, as both a spiritual leader and an ordained minister, I’ve often reflected on how I can serve more effectively in ministry. I’ve felt uncertain, faced with many questions and few clear answers. This has deepened my appreciation for the LUTs and ministers in the field who are spreading the Unity message, and it fuels my desire to ensure they have the support they need.

I’m inspired to contribute to a region I’ve personally experienced as providing invaluable education, training, resources, and encouragement—tools we all rely on at different stages of our journey. As ministry continues to evolve, I am committed to being part of the work our region is doing to support and uplift those who serve.