
COVID-19 Support Documents for Re-opening Ministries

Click on any of the links below and they will immediately begin downloading to your computer.

Ongoing Support

Houses of Worship all over the world are discerning how and when to open. It doesn’t take more than 30 seconds of thinking about it and the mind gets dizzy! It can certainly feel a bit overwhelming, to say the least. We have been living in a paradigm few if any of us have ever lived in. This makes leading particularly difficult—we don’t know what we don’t know. If you’ve never lead through disaster, it can be daunting, so we do it together. We ask for help, we reach out and give the skills needed, and we gratefully accept what is being offered—hence my periodic webinars. If I can be of support with my skill set, I offer it to you gratefully.

Alternatives to Employ during Difficult Times

How to keep in communication with your community during a crisis

Mendhi Audlin has created an online training program specifically designed for churches and civic groups that meet weekly and are having to look for alternatives due to the coronavirus.

There is no need to cancel an event. But don't go the route of trying to do your normal Facebook stream either. Seize this opportunity to connect with your members in their homes and be there for people at a time when we need it most.

Here's the link you can share:

General Ministry Resources

Check out this sermon supplement website by region Unity minister David J. Seibert, featuring quotes, stories, anecdotes, jokes, illustrations, trivia, and statistics organized by sermon theme: Call Rev. David at (720) 394-4880 for more information about how to fully utilize his website.